With another attempt at reforming CAMR set to begin in the coming months, a fundraising effort is under way. This will allow the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and active members of civil society to continue lobbying MPs, and advocate to ensure that the Canadian government keeps its promise to help alleviate the needless suffering experienced by those without access to life- saving medicines.
Canadians for CAMR is planning on doing its part to contribute to this effort, and is currently in the midst of organizing a fundraising concert:
What: Concert for CAMR: A Campaign for Global Access to Meds
When: Saturday, March 3, 2012
Doors: 8:00pm
Where: el Mocambo, 464 Spadina Avenue
Cost: $10/ticket, with 100% of proceeds going to the Canadian HIV/AIDS
Legal Network - http://aidslaw.ca/ and http://medicinesforall.ca/
***Concert for CAMR is a 19+ Event***
Bands: Quique Escamilla, The Folk, The Liras, Sonagur, and The Cool Hands!